Thursday, April 02, 2009

Next no. 6 2009

Richard Stomp (NL)
Serial entrepreneur and author Richard Stomp is the inventor of streetcombing. Forget about brainstorms and focus groups. Fetch your camera and head for the streets to pick up faint signals from future blockbusters. Mixing analytical skills and front end technology, streetcombing is spreading like wildfire as a way to sense market movements. Richard Stomp is also head of Dutch innovation masters WOWIDEAS.

Streetcombing afledt af beachcombing, det at finde noget værdifuldt på stranden.

Vi bruger 99% af hjernen til at tænke og kun 1% til at se, det er umuligt bevidst at fortælle sig selv at, nu vil jeg se og ikke tænke. En genvej til at se er Streetcombing:

1. find the street
2. watch
3. take pictures
4. put the pictures on the pc/mac
5. concept, what is the idar behind the picture
6. take concepts to your business

Sjov anderledes kreativ måde at finde nye ideer, tag en masse billeder og se ud over selve billedet men find ideer bag.

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